An increasing number of nutritionists around the world are convinced that flaxseed oil allows to take a significant step towards healthy nutrition.
Oil is obtained from flax seeds by cold pressing (it contains up to 48% in flax seeds). With this technology of cold pressing oil retains its healing properties and can be used for medicinal purposes. Then linseed oil undergoes refining, during which the color of the product also changes: the higher the degree of refining, the lighter the oil. In terms of biological value, flaxseed oil ranks first among other edible vegetable oils and contains a lot of substances useful for the body (polyunsaturated acids, vitamins F, A, E, B, K, saturated fatty acids (10% of the composition)). Today, the benefits of using flaxseed oil are confirmed by serious scientific research.
The most important components of linseed oil are fatty acids: - alpha-linolenic acid - 60% (Omega-3); - linoleic acid - 20% (Omega-6); - oleic acid - 10% (Omega-9); - other saturated fatty acids - 10%. If Omega-6 is presents, in addition to linseed, in sunflower, soybean, rapeseed, mustard, olive oils, then Omega-3 is available in sufficient quantities, only in fish oil and - in flaxseed oil. Omega-3 and Omega-6 play an important role in biological processes in the human body, but the body is not able to synthesize them on its own. For example, in flaxseed oil, scientists have found more omega-3 acid than in the famous fish oil (There is simply no product with such potential in nature!).
Once getting into the body, Omega-3 and Omega-6, are introduced into the structure of the cell, and subsequently have a positive effect on cellular activity, on the rate of transmission of nerve impulses.
The specific smell of linseed oil familiar to us from fish oil is an indicator of high quality oil, its purity, as well as proof that it is not mixed with other vegetable oils.
Daily consumption of flaxseed oil contributes to:
- prevention of the development of heart attacks;
- stroke and myocardial infarction (reducing the load on the heart and blood vessels due to a decrease in blood viscosity and normalization of fat levels);
- lowering blood pressure;
- reducing the risk of developing breast and rectal cancer;
- reducing the incidence of diabetic neuropathy in diabetes mellitus;
- improving the condition of the skin and hair;
- strengthening the nervous system;
- kidney function with edema;
- improving visual acuity;
- relieving and treating asthma.
In addition, flaxseed oil normalizes the functioning of the entire human digestive system: improves liver function, promotes the treatment of colitis, gastritis, eliminates constipation, heartburn, and has an antiparasitic effect.
Flaxseed oil can be used either in pure form or mixed with other vegetable oils, it can be mixed with honey, fruit or syrup.
The good thing is that the use of flaxseed oil is not limited to strict limits - you can use it as a seasoning, drink it alone, or combine it with kefir. In the diet, flaxseed oil is most delicious with vinaigrettes, vegetable salads, sauerkraut. It is also used by adding it to fermented milk products and cereals, to dough products, to which it gives an exquisite smell and attractive color. The use of cold flaxseed oil is most useful, since during heat treatment it loses a number of its beneficial qualities. Just two tablespoons of flaxseed oil a day is enough to receive the required amount of nutrients for your body.
You need to take flaxseed oil, gradually increasing the dose, so that the body can get used to flaxseed oil and get the maximum benefit from its use. For the first week, drink a little flaxseed, one teaspoon a day in the morning, 20-30 minutes before meals. At first, the stomach may react negatively, causing feelings of nausea, then eat the oil with a lemon wedge. The second week, you need to add an evening dose to the morning dose, also a teaspoon half an hour or an hour after dinner. In the evening, you can take flaxseed oil in combination with kefir, simply by adding it to kefir. The third and fourth weeks of using flaxseed oil should be devoted to gradually increasing the single dose to one tablespoon. It is this proportion - one tablespoon in the morning and evening - is recommended to take in the flow of three months. During this time, flaxseed oil will allow you to establish a proper metabolism, improve the functioning of the blood and heart, the condition of hair and nails, and also cleanse the body of toxins and, thus, help lose weight.
There are no contraindications for the use of flaxseed oil.