Soluble beverage for cocktails Muscle Vigor helps to maintain and strengthen the muscle tone.
Available in combined cans of 350 grams. Each can contains 28 servings (12.5 grams).
We used an approach based on three principles of eliminating the main mechanisms of the development of sarcopenia:
Ingredients: milk protein isolate, beet powder, lipoic acid, vitamin D3, sucralose sweetener.
The product is available in combined cans of 350 grams. Each can contains 28 servings (12.5 grams).
Area of use: The drink is intended for sale to the public. Helps maintain and strengthen muscle tone of the elderlies.
Method of preparation: Mix one measuring spoon (12.5 grams) without top with 200 ml of warm water, juice, milk or a fermented milk product.
Nowadays, sarcopenia is not a disease, since such a diagnosis simply does not exist, but the problem itself has attracted the attention of gerontologists and other doctors, especially in the past few years. Now it has become clear that this is one of the five risk factors for mortality of people over 65. However, this condition does not develop to everyone, which means that there are reasons for this.
The very concept of sarcopenia means nothing more than an atrophic change that occurs in the muscles and which is associated with the age. This ultimately leads to loss of muscle mass and strength.
Senile sarcopenia occurs when the body lacks protein. The thing is that for the normal functioning of muscles and to maintain their mass, the human body constantly produces protein compounds. They are synthesized from amino acids that enter the body with food.
At the same time, a person does not lose the ability to assimilate protein with age, but its production begins to decrease significantly. This happens because some hormonal functions begin to fade away. For example, this can include a decrease in endocrine function, or rather a complete cessation or significant reduction in the production of growth hormone and testosterone. Because of this, not only a decrease in protein production occurs, but other negative effects on the body also affect, most often it is a decrease in muscle mass, a dysfunction of nerve fibers. Sarcopenia creates many problems for a person, as the risk of falls, injuries and fractures increases.
According to the US Disease Control and Prevention CDC sarcopenia is recognized as one of the five major factors of risk of morbidity and mortality of persons older than 65 years (Kamimoto L.A. Easton A N Maurice E., Husten C.G., Macera C. A., Surveillance for Five Health Risks Among Older Adults--United States 1993-1997 CDC MMWR Surveillance Summaries December 17, 1999/48 (SS08); 89-130).
Sarcopenia can progress to the point that an elderly person loses the ability to live independently. The severity of sarcopenia affects the ability to maintain balance, which is associated with falls and fractures. Sarcopenia is an important predictor of disability. In principle, sarcopenia can be considered as analogous to osteoporosis of the muscular system. The combination of osteoporosis and sarcopenia results in significant weakness often seen among the elderly.
There are more and more elderly and senile people in percentage. Taking care of their quality of life and keeping them active pays off quickly enough. After all, caring for a helpless elderly person is a huge emotional and financial burden for the state, individuals, families, medical and social services and organizations.
The modern direction of medicine - rejuvenology (antiaging medicine) claims that efforts aimed at maintaining muscle mass, strength and muscle quality correspond to the direct task of antiaging medicine, since it ensure the prolongation of the active period of life.
Today, primary and secondary sarcopenia are distinguished. The primary form develops in the elderly, while there is no effect of secondary factors on skeletal muscle. But the secondary form is a consequence of several factors, for example, improper and unbalanced nutrition, lack of protein food, lack of physical activity. Also, this condition can be observed in a number of cases of severe somatic diseases.
In addition, there is a deficiency of vitamin D, therefore sarcopenia is a sign that an elderly person is also experiencing other serious diseases, and most often it is osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.